Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wow, it's been a week since I last updated my blog...sorry. I have been with family for Christmas. We got lots of wonderful gifts for our cute little boy. I admire Nate's Mother for keeping all of his old baby stuff. Though the stuff is from 1976, there is nothing better than using Grandpa and Daddy's old christening gown, or Daddy's old bassinet:) VERY COOL!

We had a little scare last night. Premature contractions have been occurring for weeks and have progressively been getting worse, so I was finally sent to the ER by my doctor. That's all they were...premature contractions...nothing else. I was given a tocolytic after monitoring my baby's heartbeat and sent on my way. I was a little discouraged though. The doctor avoided answering every question we asked. So, we are just as clueless and unaware as we were when we went in. I have a call placed to my doctor, so hopefully we will get some answers soon.

I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All I do is pee. Pee, pee, pee, pee, pee, pee. I went out for breakfast with my Mother today and I peed 3 times. What a nuisance.

My 7 year old niece got to feel the baby move yesterday. I loved watching her eyes light up when she finally felt him. If my child is anything like any of my nieces and nephews I am in luck!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Exhausted, pooped, tired, worn-out, fatigued, drained, wiped-out, dog tired, spent, bushed, beat, wrecked, weary, done for, done in, whacked, ready to drop, beaten, jaded, dead, tapped-out, tuckered, done, washed-out, played-out...yes, it's time for bed.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I get to see a lot of friends and family tomorrow at the baby shower, I can't wait. I am also excited to see what the little bugger got, I am sure he will love everything. I bought Nate a shower gift. It's a little boy outfit that says "handsome like my daddy." It is super cute.

Today I was trying to take a nap and he wouldn't stop rolling around. It doesn't hurt, but it's a VERY strange sensation. I love it! I wish I could just hold him and kiss his little face. But, I am sure it will come soon enough, then I will just want to shove him back in so I can get some peace and quiet.

I had Christmas today with my brothers and twin sister. It was so nice to see everybody, I just wish they could have stayed longer. I understand their lives can't revolve around me, though I wish they would.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So we're packing up the car and heading to MN...freezing MN. Yes, we are driving. What are we thinking? We must really love our families. We will be spending Christmas on the 18th with my family, the baby shower on the 19th at my lovely sister's house, then we will be spending Christmas with Nate's parents on the 24th and 25th...should be a blast. No, correction, should be exhausting. We are driving 30 hours to get there, I hope they understand how tired we will be and that we NEED sleep:) It doesn't help that the doctor has me getting my lazy butt out of bed every 2-3 hours to pee so I won't have contractions. At least I will be used to it by the time my little precious boy comes.

I will have hit the 3rd trimester on Saturday!!!! No complications yet, and we are going to keep it that way. And, my friend Heather is due Christmas day! I hope she delivers while I am home so I cam meet her baby.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Not to be gross or anything, but something nobody tells you about pregnancy is you can no longer wipe your butt the way you are used to...you'll never reach your goal that way. You seriously have to reach around back to catch what you are looking for. Yes, that means if you are going number 2 you will have to wipe the front side first, then grab new TP to reach around back. How awkward.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I finally had my doctor's appointment today...You know when you have tons of questions that are eating away at you and you only have the Internet to answer them? Well, it can drive you mad, and that's what was happening to me.
I have been hearing mostly horror stories about complete placenta previa... I am assuming because people like drama? But right now I DON"T NEED HORROR STORIES! I already have a re-occurring nightmare about me running by the ocean (sometimes I am running through the mountains next to cliffs, but the scenery is beautiful where ever I am running), and the run feels GREAT. I don't know why, but I always run 5 miles. Anyway, after the run I start bleeding profusely...long story short I end up in the ER, lose the baby, and Nate gets so upset with me for losing the baby that he files for divorce. Psychoanalyze that!

The doctor didn't have great news, but at least she answered a lot of questions. She said I have about a 50-50 chance of nothing happening (also meaning I may not have to have a c-section:)), and reiterated pelvic rest, and no exercises, stretching, or lifting. And, I now unfortunately need to set my alarm clock for every few hours during the night to urinate because a full bladder can cause contractions which can lead to bleeding (bad). I have been having contractions, but didn't know that's what they were. They were actually so bad the other night I almost woke my husband up to take me to the ER. But, I urinated and they went away after about 15 minutes. We also discussed what to do in case of emergencies.

I know it wasn't the news I wanted, but at least we have a plan in case of an emergency. And, at least my husband heard the doctor give these instructions (last time she told me on the phone, so he didn't hear) so he is taking it more seriously...before it was okay to carry groceries into the house as long I didn't carry too many bags at once, now he won't even let me lift one bag. He is being quite cute about it.

The baby was kicking in the doctor's office today (Nate's allergist, not my OBGYN)and the nurse walked in on Nate with his hand half way down my pants and under my shirt. Embarrassing, but funny.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

It'll be a long day tomorrow, we have another doctor's apt in Sacramento. Maybe it will be a good one this time:) I am hoping my doctor doesn't change her mind about me traveling home...I just have that feeling.

I set up prenatal classes for Nate and me to take. The classes include labor and delivery (yea right, like I'll need this one, but it's part of the package), c-sections, and breast feeding. I am excited to go, I think it will be a good bonding experience for Nate and the baby. and hopefully we will learn something too.

I woke up last night and had to urinate so bad I had a sharp pain with severe cramping in my lower abdomen. About 15 minutes after I went to the bathroom the pain went away. I don't know if the pain came first (maybe the baby squashed my bladder, cause I really didn't pee that much) or the full bladder because I was sleeping, but I am assuming the full bladder did. This is the second time this has happened, I am meaning to bring it up to the doctor.

Nate has planned a potluck at our house on Saturday for all our neighbors. I am excited to hang out with everybody, but I am not looking forward to the mess that will be left behind. He also insisted on using real dishes, not paper...I think I will have him do most of the cleaning. Hopefully everybody will voluntarily take their shoes off at the door. I don't understand people who wear their shoes into others houses. Maybe I am just too anal.

Monday, December 06, 2010

We got our baby furniture last weekend! Nate put it all up and decorated with the few stuffed animals we had. I love it! He is such a good husband:) When we were in town I caught him starring at a little boy smiling, I can tell he is just as excited as I am.

I had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to Klamath Falls to pick up the baby furniture, and you know how that goes...especially when you live in a small town. We had to grocery shop, Christmas shop, puppy and kitty food shop, and on, and on, and on. Then, on Sunday, I had to make 4 loaves of banana bread for all the Christmas potlucks we have to go to this week, and I had to type out a schedule and bills for my caregiving business. Oh, and don't forget I had to watch the Vikings win this week. Finally at the end of the day I sat down on the couch, held my baby (okay, really my tummy, cause he was kicking, and you know how I like that) and fell asleep (I was still sitting up).

We bought Maddy, our dog, this really very soccer ball...now it's her favorite toy. It's disgusting because she likes to shove it into your face until you throw it for her, and she will do this for hours. I may take it away today just to give us some rest. And, obviously, I have already done surgery the stupid thing.

Friday, December 03, 2010

So, I had my job interview today. And I was asked the question, "Do you have kids?" I felt the obligation to say, "No, but I do have one on the way." He seemed very supportive, but my guess is I won't get the job. On a positive note...I wrote my first article for the Internet today, and I made $2.84! I am so excited! I am going to start pumping those suckers out. It was fun too!

Not much kicking from the little monster last night, but I wasn't feeling the greatest. Hopefully he starts kicking here again soon.

My friend Heather is having a baby in 3 weeks. I am so excited for her, and seeing what she is going through makes me excited for myself.

We got a call last night that our baby furniture is in. We are going to pick it up tomorrow! We are going to have the CUTEST baby room.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Another day with my butt glued to the couch...this is getting old really fast. It's pretty pathetic I am looking forward to my doctors appointment next week just so I can get out of the house. I warn all of my friends not to call or stop by because I may keep you occupied for hours. Wow, did I just turn 80 and miss the years 35-79?

I didn't sleep well last night, but hate taking naps because then I won't sleep well tonight. I think it's because my little monster hardly kicked at all. I feel better when he kicks, it makes me smile. I can't wait for him to be here!

I found another name I like today, but of course Nate doesn't. He read a baby name book of 100,000 baby names...no, 100,000 is not a typo. Out of all those names he still did not find one that he liked, or even sort of liked. I have picked out 2 other names, but he doesn't like those either. Pretty soon our baby will be here and he will be nameless, but that's okay, because he will still be the most beautiful baby in the world.

It's amazing how I can weigh myself last night and the scale reads 144, then I weigh myself again this morning and it reads 139. That's a lot of water retention:) Every time I step on the scale I have to mentally prepare myself and remind myself IT IS GOOD TO BE GAINING WEIGHT. I think every woman understands how difficult it is to watch that needle go higher and higher on the scale and have no control, nor do you want control because the baby's health is all that matters to you. But, it still damages your self esteem a little.

I have my job interview today. I have decided to not try to hide the belly bump...Mostly because I went through my closet last night and hiding it would be impossible. Also, do I really want to work for someone who discriminates against pregnant mothers? I am a small business owner, and I do not hold it against women for being, wanting, or getting pregnant. If that's what they want, then I encourage it! I just want honesty so I can prepare to have someone cover for them while they are on maternity leave.

I added some pictures last night. Nate and I decided to go chop down a Christmas tree...well he decided to do all the work and I watched as my poor husband drug this huge tree a 100 feet, up hill, and through the woods in knee deep snow to the car (just like when our parents used to walk to school). Then he had to pick the tree up and place it on top of the car. I just stood by (like an idiot) taking pictures...I have to admit it was kind of sexy, but I did feel sorry for him. He is such a good sport, he didn't complain about any of it.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Last night the little bugger was rolling around...very weird sensation, but obviously I loved every minute of it.
Today I got a call for a job interview. I applied quite a while ago, but never heard anything until today. I am still going to go, but I am a little nervous about being on restricted activity, and having a baby on the way. I am pretty sure I won't get it because of the obvious basketball in the front of my body, but I guess it doesn't hurt to go get some interview experience. I know most would say this is illegal, but what I have learned living in a small town is: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S ILLEGAL, they do it anyway. My last interview I was told I was their top choice, but I was planning to have a family so they weren't going to offer me the position. Nice, at least they were honest. Anyway, I can't blame them considering there's a possibility I will be put on bed rest before the pregnancy is over. I am a gamble.
Today, out of boredom, I picked up crocheting. I am TERRIBLE at it, but it is entertaining.