So we're packing up the car and heading to MN...freezing MN. Yes, we are driving. What are we thinking? We must really love our families. We will be spending Christmas on the 18th with my family, the baby shower on the 19th at my lovely sister's house, then we will be spending Christmas with Nate's parents on the 24th and 25th...should be a blast. No, correction, should be exhausting. We are driving 30 hours to get there, I hope they understand how tired we will be and that we NEED sleep:) It doesn't help that the doctor has me getting my lazy butt out of bed every 2-3 hours to pee so I won't have contractions. At least I will be used to it by the time my little precious boy comes.
I will have hit the 3rd trimester on Saturday!!!! No complications yet, and we are going to keep it that way. And, my friend Heather is due Christmas day! I hope she delivers while I am home so I cam meet her baby.
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