Let me get you up to date on the events of my pregnancy so far. It's kind of a long story, but bear with me.
My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a while. He would tell you it was 6 months, I would say it was closer to 9. We are always on two different pages, which makes our relationship more exciting in my opinion.
We were ecstatic to be pregnant, though I had no idea what was ahead of me. Many nights of vomiting at 2-3 in the morning, shortness of breath, fatigue, depression... well you get the idea.
At our first doctors appointment we saw a doctor we both enjoyed very much. During the appointment she suggested we get copies of all our records to keep with us because we lived 3 1/2 hours away from the clinic. So, after our appointment we requested copies of our records to be mailed to our home address.
When scheduling our next appointment we were unable to get the same doctor. This was a good thing, because I ended up liking the second doctor even more, but my husband still liked the first, so we decided to continue seeing both of the doctors. I know what most would say, "You are the one who needs to like the doctor, not your husband." But, this doctor is not just taking care of me, but also our child...my husband's child. So, I decided to keep an open mind and see which one we like better after a few visits.
At our last appointment we had our 20 wk ultrasound (YEA, FUN). Everything seemed to normal except my placenta. My stupid placenta, and my every worry until a 30 week ultrasound or delivery. My stupid placenta was covering my vaginal canal. Now, I am a nurse, but OBGYN is NOT my specialty, and is was my least favorite subject in school, so I knew very little about what this meant. We had a doctor appointment scheduled for the same day. At this appointment we saw the same doctor we saw in our first appointment. The doctor made it clear she was having a busy day and was in a hurry (I felt sorry for her, because she really did look exhausted). We asked her about the complications of the placenta covering the vaginal canal. She said, "It's nothing and you shouldn't worry about it." So, we didn't.
My husband being the romantic that he is (this is just one of the reasons I love him so much) took me on a "babymoon" to the California coast where we "romanced it up." Well, you know what goes with romance...SEX:) and lots of it. Needless to say we didn't hold back.
A couple weeks later we received our records regarding the ultrasound. The records stated I had complete placenta previa. What is this do you ask? Well I asked the same question, so I pulled out the old handy laptop and maternity child book from nursing school and started researching. This is what I came up with: My placenta is blocking my vaginal canal )jsut as the ultrasound tech stated) and his could potentially be dangerous for the mother and child causing hemorrhaging and/or premature delivery. Me being a worry wart, called the doctor we saw at our second appointment for a second opinion. She called me back the same day to inform me I in fact had complete placenta previa and I should take it easy, light activity, no vaginal exams by other doctors, and no SEX for the rest of the pregnancy....WHAT! No sex! My husbands response was, "That would have been nice to know a little sooner."
Anyway, I worry too much, so I did more research. In 90% of women diagnosed with complete placenta previa their placenta moves up by the time of delivery. Though in the mean time they are to take precautions (as I told yo before, no sex, no intravaginal exams, nothing inserted vaginally, and decreased activity) to prevent hemorrhaging and preterm labor. If you start hemorrhaging? Off to the hospital you go for the rest of your pregnancy on bed rest. I don't know about you, but I don't like to gamble on 90% being okay and 10% not. Especially when it comes to my unborn child.
So, here I am today, sitting on my butt looking for things to do, bored out of my mind. What do I do to help pass the time for the next 4 1/2 months? I came up with Blogging, writing articles (hopefully for money), whatever... I will be the first to admit I am not a good writer, but I do have a lot of useless knowledge, and a creative mind...So, I decided to start an online blog/diary of day to day events of my first pregnancy. So, here goes......
I am starving today. I think if I allowed it I would eat out the entire pantry, and still not be satisfied. I miss the days of eating a rare prime rib while drinking a glass of cab. Note to self: Must remember to tell Nate (my husband) this is to be my first meal after the baby is born.
The best part of my pregnancy? Every time he kicks....it makes me smile:) Even if it wakes me up in the morning or keeps me up at night. Last night for the first time I felt kicks up in my rib area. Usually he only kicks in the lower to mid abdomen. He must be getting big. I can't wait for him to be here so I can play with his little fingers and toes.
Your doing a great job parenting already!! Keep it up! I love reading your blog. I'm sure there's info in there that a Dad wouldn't like to read about one of his baby girls (ha!ha!). I'm sharing anyway. Wish me luck!
I am sure Dad doesn't think I am the Vergin Mary:) If he does then I think him and I need to have a little talk.
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